O what a beautiful morning
Viva Veteran's Day! I made such good time getting to work this morning, despite stopping to fill up the tank (a whopping $5.87 at $3.09 a gallon; oops, I let it get a little low, didn't I?) and adding some air to the tires. The sky was gloriously unblotted by clouds or rain, which left fresh clean air in their wake. Traffic flowed freely on Olympic allowing me to reach Century City from around MacArthur Park in approximately fifteen minutes. Unbelievable.
Contrast this with Wednesday morning. It was pouring down rain (still do not have a faceshield wiper for my glove), and to top it off the nut holding down my left mirror had wiggled loose. I had to deal with a floppy left "antenna" the whole way to work. I was, however, quite pleased with my outerwear. I had borrowed my boyfriend's supergigantic, waterproof parka in the brightest flourescent orange nature never produced. I looked like a fireball on two wheels. If drivers didn't see me coming, they musta been BLIND.
Which, in L.A., is not inconceivable.
p.s. thanks to scootla.com for the linkage and all the info on oil changing.
watch out for those red/green/brightest flourescent orange colorblind drivers...
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