Monday, February 06, 2006


Here, from Choire Sicha's op-ed piece:

"..... what about a passing thought to the craziness of other people? When
what so many people believe is by any rational standard crazy—that depicting
human beings is a major sin, or that you’ll go to a fiery pit if you don’t get
sprinkled with water, or that witches float, or that bad thoughts are caused by
an infestation of pissed-off alien spirits, or, you know, that your spiritual
leader was reincarnated in some infant in Seattle—well, why should anyone give
two shits about any of it? For unbelievers, the world is a hell of
warmed-over medieval superstitions. "

Saturday I learned that my hairstylist believes in guardian angels. On Sunday, I met a lady who believes cats can heal you with their purrs. ("Take two kittens and call me in the morning!").